Tag Archives: Jerry Cook

Wise Words for Today

…..our primary goal is not converting people to Christianity. Let me explain what I mean. It is unquestionably important that people make a decision to follow Christ; that they turn to him, invite him into their lives, and experience his forgiveness and cleansing for their sin. But I see this “turning” as a result, not a goal…..Remember, not everyone Jesus  ministered to chose to follow…..The fact is, after three-and-a-half years of public ministry, Jesus left behind only 120 followers in a borrowed room. Now it is up to us to minister as he did – and with no hooks. Of course, we want to influence people to follow Christ. But we must bring his healing to people, because people hurt. We must bring his hope, because people are hopeless. We must bring his love, because people are bereft of unconditional love. We must do all these things without ulterior motive. People may respond or they may not – just as they did two thousand years ago.

Jerry Cook

(from The Monday Morning Church)


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Wise Words for Today

Most of the time when we think of church, we think of Sunday. But Sunday is really about Monday. If our job as Christians was simply to gather together and worship God, we could do that in heaven. But our job is more than that; that’s why God has us strategically placed right where we are.

What is our job exactly? This may surprise you, but it’s not to convert people. Scripture says very little about us converting people. What it does say is this: “You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). In other words, we will be illustrations – living proof – that Jesus Christ was, in fact, God, and he is still alive. We do that through the process of being people not only in whom Christ lives, but through whom Christ expresses himself in our individual worlds…..Of course, we want to influence people to follow Christ. But we must bring his healing to people, because people hurt. We must bring his hope, because people are hopeless. We must bring his love, because people are bereft of unconditional love.

Jerry Cook

(from The Monday Morning Church)


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